A skincare routine that really suits your skin type and also leaves your face feeling smooth, refreshed and youthful is everyone's dream. I thought I would share my routine with you and although we don't make any Bare Coco products with water in them I felt I needed to share this little secret with you, so that you can experience the benefits from the same amazing skincare routine I use.


The first step does include our beautiful BareCoco Sheer Facial Oil.

  1. Place a few drops of Bare Coco Sheer Facial Oil from the 50ml dropper bottle onto a clean cotton wool pad or ball. You need enough to moisten the cotton wool properly with the oil.

  2. Gently wipe your face and eyes with the cotton pad taking care not to drag the delicate skin around the eyes. Include your lips and forehead, chin, neck and don't forget up by your ears! This oil will remove stubborn makeup and even waterproof mascara. Keep doing this until you feel you have removed the grime and makeup. Use a clean cotton pad soaked in more oil if you need to.

  3. Now here's the rosy secret... I use the most amazing Organic White Rose Water to tone after applying the Bare Coco Sheer Facial Oil. Use a clean cotton pad and tip some rose water onto the pad. It should feel wet but not soaking. Now wipe your whole face, eyes and neck with this amazing, cooling and refreshing rose water. It will remove even more deep seated grime that the Bare Coco Sheer Facial Oil has now loosened.

    I was shocked when I saw how mucky the cotton pad was and had no idea that my face had picked up so much dirt. I have never used any other product or combination of products that had such a noticeable result for cleansing my face. It's the Bare Coco Facial Oil and then the Rose Water (or even normal tepid water) that work together to leave your face soft, supple and moisturised. I like a toner afterwards but you don't have to use one, you can get the same result by rinsing your face with tepid water after using the Sheer Facial Oil and patting it dry.

    The oil loosens the dirt and then the Rose Water or water clears away the debris. 

  4. Once you are satisfied your face and neck are cleansed throw away the cotton pad (responsibly of course!) and then treat yourself to a gentle face and neck massage with your clean fingertips. Take care not to drag the delicate skin around the eyes. There are facial massage techniques on You Tube so find one you like. Here's one that basically covers everything. You should have enough Bare Coco Sheer Facial Oil on your face to gently massage your face but feel free to use a little more if you need to.

I hope you benefit as much from this relaxing and worthwhile skincare routine as I have. The facial massage really does make a difference so give it a try. Enjoy!